
Thursday, May 17, 2007

"Youtube has no ethics, it's been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money." Do you agree?

Many would agree that youtube had brought much entertainment and knowledge to us in a convenient way. Just a few clicks away, we could enjoy a video of our choice, be it a drama series, comedy, or even knowing more about a scientific subject like biology. However, we never fails to come back to the same question, "Is the information obtained credible?" Though this question always popped up at the back of our brain, we dismissed it easily since the information we gathered is usually not taken seriously ourselves. We all knew that there is no real filtering in these videos, but it usually does not bother us much, since youtube mainly serves to provide entertainment for us. We watch the videos, get some satisfaction, and chunk it to the back of our head.

These videos, in the name of entertainment, commits no wrong. The problem only starts to arise when these so called "entertainment" videos put online go against certain morals accepted by the society or stirred up feelings among religion groups. These controversial videos would then lead to dire consequences since these videos can be viewed globally by anyone with an internet connection. The severity of these could not be taken lightly, as it might well lead to war between countries if serious.

Ethics is defined as a particular system of principles and rules concerning duty. In regards to the question, i do not agree that youtube has no ethics and had been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money. However, to a very large extent, this is true.

One example is the recent news about how Youtube got itself in hot water when someone posted a picture of King Bhumibol Adulyadej next to a pair of feet. Feet are considered particularly insulting in Thailand. Thailand's army-backed government had considered suing Youtube over charges of lese majeste which could have ended up with the company getting 15 years in prison. The videos were only removed after a few days, showing youtube lack in efficiency in filtering out "wrong" videos.

Another example is the many movies that can be found on youtube. Many of these movies put on youtube had breached the copyright laws of the movie-makers. This goes to show that youtube has no ethics, as they do not respect the rights of others as these movies are published.

So is youtube created just to earn money? I would say yes. Examining the case of the movies that can be found on youtube, why is it not taken down despite the copyrights they might had breached? One reason I can offer is that these movies put online can bring in alot of money for the company as many people would be more than willing to watch a movie for free online.

Therefore, I can conclude that youtube has no ethics, and is created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money.


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