
Sunday, March 25, 2007

General Paper

This is my first time blogging and it is funny that my first topic would be on General Paper.

General Paper seems like an extremely tough subject to me. My greatest worry about General Paper is my lack of knowledge on the current affairs of today's world. Very often, i found myself in situation whereby i could not understand what the article is talking about because I did not follow up on subsequent articles.

However, my elder brother beg to differ in my thinking. He told me as long as you know what GP is about, you can do well in it, and advised me not to waste too much time on it. To my worries, he said that the main barrier I need to overcome is my lack of content to write on. Ironic to what I felt and heard, it is good to hear a different perpective from someone close to me. At least, it helps eradict some of the ominous feeling I have towards this subject.

To a large extent, I agree with him that I lack content to write on. Without ample information, I have nothing to substantiate my points. My writing would be childish and full of my own opinions only, lacking useful supporting ideas to help me.

So, to help myself in GP, I decided to accomplish 2 goals that I had set for myself. First, I would brush up on my grammar, a component I had always been weak in. Second, I would read extensively, trying to close the gap between my knowledge and world affairs. If I managed to accomplish these two goals, it will not only help me in my GP, but also in my other subjects like Economics.

Though I know my journey on GP will not be a smooth-sailing one, I still feel hopeful about it. Maybe this is because I know that doing well in GP will definitely help me in my future as many things in life require skills as such. Or maybe because I cant wait to put pen to paper my first essay to see how well I would score in it.=)